OK, maybe the NWS was 24 hours off.

Today’s forecast, sunny. Yet there are more clouds outside today than with yesterday’s “mostly cloudy” forecast. There were storms yesterday as far north as Fresno, but that was it. Damn Fresnans. (And I can say that because, well, I spent enough summers there growing up. There, and Coalinga, in the pre-prison days.)

For lomaprieta‘s benefit, temperatures from the Ashley Furniture store right up the street…

  • 6:30am, when I took a walk – 77°
  • 7:30am – 76°
  • 8:30am – 77°

Oh, and 35% humidity, my ass.

And the radar shows storms a-buildin’.

Today’s high – 107°. I don’t think so, with the clouds.

And this is not breaking news

As long as I’m in a mood…

Reports that Richard Jewell, the poor security guard hounded into the spotlight by NBC News and other “news” “media” “organizations” over the Centennial Park bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games, has left this mortal coil. (Is that the metaphor?)

But unless he left by bursting into the NBC News HQ and going postal, this is not “breaking news”. Nor does it need to be fixed.

In other news (har har), a book I listed on Amazon Marketplace sold in under 2 hours. Yay!


It’s been that kind of day. 6 new problems/enhancements dumped on me, along with trying to test other fixes, a 90 minute meeting with one of our largest customers, and…scream…the testing of the IP phone, which keeps ringing and I answer it.

And class tonight. After starting the online history course yesterday, and finally finding out that there are 2 other books (neither of which was listed on-line last Friday), and we need to buy those books tonight for stuff due tomorrow.

And I have a headache.

Deep breaths…

Oh, I almost forgot…

My run of good luck at the lotto booths at state fairs continues.

1996 – Texas State Fair – Dallas – scratch tickets win $50, plus on the “spin for prizes” wheel I win an umbrella, and more free tickets.

Various times at the California State Fair – Sacramento – $20 and more winners.

Last night – buy $20 of lotto (MegaMillions is up to $250M and change), spin the wheel – hit the gold spot, win 20 free tickets; $10 in winners in those free tickets.

Someday the luck will run out.

To the fair!

So yesterday Cheri, myself and my m-i-l went to the California State Fair. My m-i-l had never been, although she has been to the Los Angeles County Fair many times. (The L.A. County Fair is kind of the “state fair” for the southern part of California, mainly because Sacratomato is 400 miles away and a bit far to drive.)

So what did we go/see…first we scouted food possibilities, and went back on our reliable standby of the BBQ place at the west end of the main food area. Then we saw the…

Oops, the wild turkeys are going up the street. BRB.

Back. Then we saw the county exhibits. I think this year only 36 counties of the 58 turned out. Placer once again had a good exhibit, and they were giving away stickers. But based on the design (and jumbach you’ll see what I mean) they might be used in a risqué manner or two.

From there it was to the exhibition halls where the jellies, quilts, industrial design, etc., are. My m-i-l really wanted to see the quilts and other decorative arts. I’m always amazed by the entries of children and teenagers – there are definitely some talented kids out there. In the small livestock room the Capital City Bird *mumble* was there, showing different types of birds (lomaprieta and tattermuffin, I thought of you two), and, as I already commented in lomaprieta‘s journal, I almost created a budgie pancake, but I still have good reflexes, despite my advancing age. (The budgie flew off a shoulder and right into my path.) Quail chicks = the cute.

We then ate at the aforementioned BBQ place, then we wandered over towards the livestock pens. But then we were distracted by the upcoming “Cavalcade of Horses” show, which featured…vaulting. (Repeat tattermuffin mention.) It was mostly pretty good, although there was one sort of lame musical show featuring badly made up impersonations of singers. The trick riding by members of Sally Bishop’s Sure Shot Productions was excellent, and similar to the stunts my great-great-uncle Johnnie Mullins (or Mullens…he changed the spelling of his last name when he went into show business…copies of 1978 obituaries) did in Hollywood during the 1900’s through the 1930’s.

After the show, the livestock had been put away, so we wandered back through the small agriculture exhibit (and, boy, was the corn tall!), got some ice cream at the “Marble Top Creamery” (hmmmm….copying anyone?), then headed home.

Off to work…