And prompted by ‘s recent post…

The City of Roseville, CA (where I live) is sponsoring a float this year in the Rose Parade, in honor of the city’s centenary. It has a train theme, which is entirely apropos because we, after all, a city whose existence was, for many years, based on the Southern Pacific. Heck, the city’s incorporation was three years after Southern Pacific decided to move the railroad yard from Rocklin (two miles up the road) to Roseville. And for many years this was the largest rail yard on the West Coast. (Not sure if Colton is now larger.)

And I got that bug fixed. I thought I was going to have to work on it all night, but I discovered that the error message was in itself being issued in error, because the noted situation will occur in a specific circumstance. Fix: a simple if statement.

Getting this out before I forget

With the holidays and a critical software release deadline, I’ve fallen far behind.

But I wish you all a wonderful 2009. Things will be better, I feel.

Bonne année
Glückliches Neues Jahr
Prospero Año Nuevo
Feliz Ano Novo

Oh, and I didn’t know this until a minute ago, because his birthday is not in his LJ profile, therefore Semagic won’t tell me…happy birthday !

Les tweets des Enfoirés

La liste de mes tweets d’hier:

  • 10:52 I’m at the post office. The state employment office is also in the same center, as well as the county welfare office. There’s not a long … #
  • 12:00 is posting something here to clear the half-a-micro-blog postings on some sites. #
  • 12:05 @iolantherosa Not a bad idea; I’ve just got one reposting feed, @sacbee_news, and every once in a while it goes spazztastic. #
  • 12:06 @iolantherosa GCC, although technically it’s not C++. Also, since OS X is a GUI on top of BSD, the BSD C++ compiler should work in theory. #
  • 12:24 @iolantherosa C might be easier. C++ introduces object-oriented programming which is another can of worms in itself. Let me think on it… #
  • 16:25 @iolantherosa C++ is object-oriented programming, which is a pretty difficult concept. Java is also OO, but probably easier for beginners. #
  • 17:40 @larryrtx It’s a feature thrown in at no additional charge. #
  • 17:40 Rt @sacbee_news Controller John Chiang hospitalized with chest pains. My comment – Don’t diss COBOL, the COBOL gods will get you! #

Envoyée automatiquement par LoudTwitter

I’m at the post office. The parking lot is very full…I had to park about 100 yards away, as all the designated postal customer slots were full. The state employment office is also in the same center, as well as the county welfare office. There’s not a long line in the PO which makes me think that the local economy is going even deeper into the crapper, and I also guess people can’t read, either.

Les tweets des Enfoirés

La liste de mes tweets d’hier:

  • 09:24 is amazed at seeing 3 ft of snow in the San Bernardino mountains. #
  • 10:53 @JillthePill I used to like KFC, but now that I’m older my digestive system doesn’t like all the fat. #
  • 12:03 @26376 KFC changed something about their mashed potatoes & gravy a few years ago, and I no longer like it. Orig recipe still my favorite. #
  • 12:51 wonders if you can actually get a concussion from slipping and falling on the ice, but your head didn’t actually hit the ground. #
  • 13:09 @JillthePill I hurt. This happened last night; I fell on my back, but as I was falling, I held my head up. No lasting headache last night… #
  • 13:10 @JillthePill but in past hour headache has returned; but it also fells like an eye strain headache. Neck is sore, too. 🙂 #
  • 13:10 @JillthePill or dehydration headache; I’d forgotten how dry snow makes things. #
  • 16:16 is now pretty certain that he is suffering from a very mild case o’ the whiplash. #

Envoyée automatiquement par LoudTwitter

I’m now pretty certain that I am suffering from a very mild case of whiplash.

Oh, please let me know if this userpic offends anyone. I’ve had it for a while but I’ve never used it. My concern is the general setting of where the picture originated. If so, I’ll change it.